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My wife Mary and I are building our new home in North Andover. We’ll be cataloging progress, successes, and failures here on our home-made blog Building Our Home.

Choosing a Custom Home Style

by Ryan Schruender

Research: HousePlans.com Website Screenshot.Let’s face it.

One of the best parts of building is picking out and designing a house that is unique to you.

Yes, it’s fun. But it can be overwhelming. Below are some tips and tricks that worked for us.

This is Part 4 of our series on Building a Custom Home in North Andover: this post is all about planning what to build.

If haven’t read about the engineering process first you may want to start there and then come back to this post.

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The Engineering Process

by Ryan Schruender

Building Custom Home in North Andover: Rendering.This post is all about the engineering and plot plan process. It’s more complicated than you might think!

This is Part 3 of our series on building a custom home in North Andover: engineering! Here’s what to expect when dealing with architects and engineers in custom home development.

The biggest question we had was this:

Because we had such a small lot, Mary and I wanted to know what we could build—what are the dimensions of houses that can fit in this spot?

Here’s how we found out.

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